A Time to Evaluate, Envision, and Expand

At Heritage Ranch, our mission is to establish generational change by instilling God’s love and identity into family culture. For over a decade, our mission has come to fruition through a myriad of programs; including School & Community Based Life Skills Classes & Camps, Parenting Workshops & Conferences, and a residential Christian Children's Home serving young men, and their families, in crisis. The work of transforming family culture has been our bedrock since inception and continues to anchor us today.

Throughout the last year, facing the challenges associated with COVID, natural disasters, and the workforce climate, we like many other organizations have taken a long look at our business model and evaluated what revamping will be necessary to increase sustainability. The saying "What got you here won't get you there" has truly been a guiding principle during this season.

Currently, our residential program has paused services to re-tool based on industry best practices for staffing, training, and operations. We are committed to refining our residential model to position for long-term program effectiveness and financial sustainability. Additionally, we have begun to envision ways we can expand our continuum of care to meet the needs of additional families across our community.

In the coming months, Heritage Ranch will be developing new crisis intervention services, focused on prevention. We are designing a Navigation Services program to provide assessment and direction for families in crisis, as well as family-centric non residential services; to include family coaching & counseling, parent education, and support groups. What a beautiful opportunity to walk alongside families as they overcome challenges - providing direction and clarity in crisis.

Thank you for your support; which makes this work possible. We are exceedingly grateful for you!


2021 Year in Review


A Time to Listen