Back To School

Every child faces challenges when heading back to school after breaks. Here are 5 things parents need to know about starting school again.

1. Kids' brains are changing dramatically: Our children's brains are changing especially as they enter their teen years. It is important to keep communication open, while they may be looking like adults they may not have the skills to manage the stress of beginning school again. Set aside time each day to ask about their challenges and new experiences.

2. Celebrate Every Success: Children thrive when we praise so acknowledge the things your child does. It can be small things like putting their clothes in the laundry basket or finishing their homework all by themselves. Those moments matter so be sure to let them know you see them and are proud of them.

3. Keep Your Promises: The schedule is changing and they will rely heavily on new routines and promises made. This goes hand in hand with admitting your mistakes. Life happens and sometimes plans change but showing your ability to make adjustments and acknowledge the impact changes make on them will alleviate the unspoken frustrations.

4. Think Positive: Stressful parents send stressful kids back to school. Choose to have a positive attitude and you'll naturally take an optimistic approach to life which is contagious to others.

5. Take it Easy: There will be mistakes but that doesn't mean it needs to be focused on. You can acknowledge the misstep but instead discuss with your child what you can do differently and then move on.


Annual Report 2021


2021 Year in Review